Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Marchioness of Zetland

Chemo tomorrow. As if the US election results won't be bad enough.... I am anticipating the worst....The chemotherapy day unit: I go in. I get weighed. I get seen by the doctor. I wait around for a bit more while they make the goodies with which to inject me. The unit was opened by the Marchioness of Zetland no less. I am taken to a room with about 5 plump pink and blue armchairs - the Marchioness would be offended by the colour scheme, I am sure - and then it begins. First i get a hot water bag over my arm to relax the veins. Then they go in with the canula. If the nurses aren't nattering too much it goes in first time. They then pump various anti-sickness cocktails and also chemo in big huge syringes. One particular one is quite interesting. You suddenly feel pins and needles and heat all around your groin and bottom area.. Not pleasant. This only happens if they push the syringe hard. And this the nurse invariably does because she is nattering too much. Then the drip. If it flows too fast, you will soon feel it. And you will feel it for days afterwards in your veins. And we are gonna feel the election results soon enough...

Here's a cheery website about food during chemotherapy.


At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ouch! poor US citizens and poor you.

At 10:02 PM, Blogger shafiur said...

Still let's look on the bright side. We have four more years of Steve Bell cartoons i guess.


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