Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Too soon

The December sun is pouring into my study and its really warming. The garden was very frosty and wintry looking this morning. This year winter has given me an opportunity to wear my cap without arousing suspicion - only because I was foolish enough to chop my hair off last week in anticipation of all the hair falling out. Well nothing much has happened - in fact the bloody hair is growing back. There was a bit of falling out around week 3/4 after chemo and there has been some thinning since then but I don't think I merit a no.1 yet. And having to wear a hat as a result of my rash action is a complete pain. Braved London yesterday by train. Tried to run for the train on the way back. Got totally puffed out and ended up with a very wet and hot bald head.


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