Thursday, November 04, 2004

Ban Billy Joel

Chemo Session 3: 20 minutes to get the canula in. A wee bit painful but nowhere near as painful as having to listen to Billy Joel back to back blasted over the tanoy.

Here's a trick i learned at school in Scotland to give myself a mood lift, and it still works to this day after so many years. I would day dream just before the exams. I would be stressed out and swotting furiously trying to catch up on the year's work. I would look at the Campsie Fells from my window and day dream about going up there and upto the Highlands. And I would make plans - often unfulfilled of course - to do these things immediately after the last exam. I would make lists of the Munros I would conquer etc. Similarly it was exhilarating yesterday talking to Laura about a grand trans-continental journey we would make after all this nonsense passes. And we are going to plan it out with Pavel and show him the pictures etc of these places. The Matterhorn, chamonix, the alto adige alps - just in Europe alone. Its a good trick for a serious mood lift but its also important, I think, to plan and build and not let this damn thing overpower every sphere of life.


At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They force you to listen to Billy Joel ? That is scandalous. But I won't depress you with a rant about the omnipresence of irritating pop music.

Yes, daydreaming about exciting journeys is very therapeutic. For some reason I keep thinking about that walk from Glasgow to Cape Wrath we were going to do with Brain many years ago. Perhaps someday...

Anyway, keep on daydreaming.

The Rotifer


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