Thursday, December 02, 2004


Addenbrookes hosptial - my local and one of the top teaching hospitals on the planet -has a bad reputation when it comes to MRSA infections . Yup, surprise, surprise - its one of the worst hospitals for the super bug. So i thought it was great news when yesterday John Reid - the health secretary, ex-commie and champion of working class smokers - described some new products that would combat the super bug. Not surprisingly his department also made clear that there was no extra finance available to purchase these things.....

We blew out on Asian fusion cuisine last night. Yakitori, tempura ( did not brave sushi or sashimi cos of potentially low white blood cells), Ramen and Udon with a variety of meat toppings. Pavel loved it. And incredibly I ate everything that came my way...Nice atmosphere. Better than Wagamama's in London for sure. Teryi - aki iz the place. If you are in Cambridge, go there today!


At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teri aki's service needs something to be desired (have been there thrice and was thrice disappointed) although their food is not too bad - if a little mainstream - but have you been to nobu? nice miso soup and good sushi too.

At 7:15 PM, Blogger shafiur said...

Nobu eh? Must have missed that. Will look for it. Where be it?

At 4:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think that it's somewhere near South Kensington or Knightbridge or thereabouts, took a taxi outside the tube. Anyway, it's on the Picadilly line. Went there by accident one night although I was not really hungry. Discovered that I had glutonous tendancies.


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