Saturday, March 19, 2005

Noreena, gloom and furniture

The consultant says he wants to see the full impact of the last treatment, and hence the 3 week interval is ok. Convenient eh? I think the delayed CT scan schedule has more to do with this explanation than anything else. Anyway, if the tumours have reached a plateau they will PET scan me to determine whether the visible tumours are scar tissue or active in anyway. If they are shrinking further, he is of the opinion to zap them for two more months. It's caused a bit of gloom around here. I am not thinking about it. Heart scan sounds nasty though with radioactive markers injected and a two hour process in all.

Still the new furniture is arriving within the next couple of weeks. Out with the antiques and in with plastic, glass and leather!! Why? I look older than those antiques, I tell you. Hoping all the funky new stuff will distract visitors.

I mistakenly wrote in the blog of 23 Feb that Noreena Hertz was at the Judge Management Institute in Cambridge. She has taken a promotion (a professorial appointment no less) and moved to the University of Utrecht. She has written an article in the Guardian today about the nomination of that arch hawk Wolfowitz to the World Bank by Bush. Unbelievable two fingers up to the issue of development. Poodle Blair has of course not opposed it. Read it here : The poodle and the Wolf.


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